Shopify App Store Insights for




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$10/month. Free trial available.

スマート購入ボタン.ampは、Shopify会員ごとに商品購入ボタンの有効/無効をカスタマイズできるShopify 専用アプリです。会員ステータス等の様々な条件に応じて、購入ボタンを作成できるため、会員ごとに購入可能商品をカスタイマイズすることができます。

App Ranking

Level up your app ranking and
track your competitors
with SaaS Insights

If this is your app, you can see how the app listing changes affects your ranking, views and installs. Analyse historical trends and identify the best leavers to grow your app.

Is スマート購入ボタン.amp your competitor? Do you want to track their app listing and ranking? Using SaaS Insights you can analyse their tactics to generate ideas to increase your traffic and installs.