Monitor Your App Store Ranking With Keyword Tracking

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As a Shopify Partner, understanding where your app stands in the Shopify App Store is crucial for gauging its visibility and performance. SaaS Insights makes it easy to monitor your app’s ranking. 

Screenshot of Shopify App Store keyword tracking interface.

Selecting Your Keywords

The first step in tracking your app’s ranking is selecting relevant keywords. These keywords should be closely aligned with your app’s functionality and the search terms potential users might use to find your app. Once you have selected a keyword, SaaS Insights will begin tracking your app’s ranking for that keyword moving forward.

Monitoring App Performance

With your keywords set, you can now monitor your app’s performance over time. SaaS Insights provides a detailed view of when your app’s ranking changes, giving you insights into visibility trends and how well your app is performing in the Shopify App Store.

Start Tracking Today

The app ranking tracking feature is available to all subscribers of the Metrics & Analytics plan. 

For new customers, begin tracking your keywords by signing up for the 14-day free trial today.

Ready to dive in?

SaaS Insights provides key business metrics and analytics to drive the growth of your Shopify App. Learn why your customers cancel, what drives revenue and identify trends over time to make data-driven decisions.

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