Here are the latest updates and enhancements we've implemented for SaaS Insights. Our commitment to continuous improvement means that we frequently introduce modifications, making it essential for you to revisit this space periodically to stay abreast of the latest developments.
In addition, for important updates, we announce them on our social media accounts. Make sure to follow us on to stay connected and receive timely notifications about significant developments in our offerings.
- Improve some rules in the data explorer. Including revenue and usage charges now account for no charges.
- Fixed an issue where some historical trials were not generating.
- Fixed an issue where Slack notifications were not going to the correct channel.
- Added more translations for uninstall reasons.
- Updated notifications, you can now fully customise these and send to slack, email or/and via a webhook.
- Added an Executive Summary to show an overview of key metrics. Let us know what you think.
- Added cancelled subscriptions rules to the data explorer.
- Changed the way we calculate LTV, previously we were using ARPU / Churn Rate. But this has now been updated to use churn from cancelled subscriptions instead of app uninstalls. The new formula is ARPU / ∑ subscriptions that have cancelled of a 30-day period ÷ total subscribers (total from 30 days ago). This should make LTV more accurate.
- Added delete option to saved reports in the data explorer.
- Fixed an issue where some stores subscription were still active after being cancelled - this was due to Shopify emitting the unfrozen event.
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated and simplified pricing plans
- Added new rules to the data explorer for UTM Source, Medium, Term and Campaign.
- Updated usage charges breakdown to link to the data explore to show all users on each plan.
- Add a breakdown for usage charges to show which plans are generating the charges.
- Improve Shopify country metric, we can get this data directly from the Shopify store. Meaning there is no need to upload any CSV for this.
- Fixed a bug on the team members page that was showing users that signed up with Google as not active.
- Improved the Shopify CSV import to handle larger files
- Upgraded page views. We are now showing more details on how people get to your Shopify app store page.
- Added metrics for Shopify Plans and Store Countries.
- Added new options to the date range component. Quickly select, this week, last week, this month, last month, this quarter and last quarter.
- After a lot of hard work we have finally migrated our severs and set up a scalable architecture to handle the increasing demand.
- Added new filters to the subscription rule in the data explorer.
- Added new metric to show Shopify payouts.
- Added new metric for retention.
- Added plan upgrades and plan downgrades metrics.
- Added plan breakdown to revenue churn metric and a list of churned customers.
- Change the revenue metric to show daily revenue.
- Change the total users metric to remove closed stores from the total count.
- Added plan performance to MRR metric.
- Fixed an issue with the summary under each metrics reporting the wrong percentage change.
- Update manually adding a Shopify app to account for errors from Shopify Partner API.
- Fixed an issue monitoring new keywords.
- Added the ability to override the price of your plans. This is useful if you are using usage charges for the plan total.
- Added the ability choose a different Slack channel per app for notifications
- Fixed an issue with the Revenue rule returning the correct data in Data Explorer.
- Add more than (>) and less than (<) filters to the revenue and usage charges rules in the Data Explorer.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from having revenue or usage charges rules more than once.
- Added monthly and yearly plan checks to the plan rule.
- Added new Prebuilt report for subscribed customers that have not paid in the last 30 days
- Beta release of the Data Explorer build reports that you want in your way. Let us know what you think about it.
- Fixed an issue where email subjects had placeholder variables for the app name.
- Fixed an issue where metric data was being shown as double.
- Fixed an issue on the dashboard with the date range selector.
- We have partnered with EpsiFund to help grow your Shopify app!
- We have acquired a new domain name! We are now please update your bookmarks, all traffic will be redirected to the new domain name.
- Added an about page, so you know who we are and what we are trying to achieve.
- Added legend to charts when comparing date ranges.
- Added informational modals for each dashboard widget.
- Added app selector to the dashboard.
- App trials are no longer restricted to requiring all app trial data, you can now generate just for a single app.
- Updated MRR active subscriptions metric to only include converted trials, excluding active trials.
- Added button from Closed Stores, Installs, Reopened Stores, Uninstall and Usage Charges Metric pages to Activity page filtered down to the relevant metric, app and date range.
- Individual app reviews now available via activity and customer pages.
- Fixed issue where projections dates could be displayed out of order.
- Fixed an issue where trials where not ending when the store uninstalled.
- Added app filter to activity page.
- When selecting an app on the metrics pages, it'll keep the same selection navigating to other metrics pages.
- Fixed some typos in the team members emails.
- Improved onboarding emails.
- Add team management, you can now add users to your account. Learn More
- Updated revenue churn metric to account for plan upgrades / downgrades.
- Added new Revenue metric to show all revenue for the past 30-days.
- Add variations to ARR to include Usage Charges.
- Added date comparison to metrics allowing you can compare different date ranges on the same graph. Learn More
- Fix minor issue with the billing page.
- Handle Google rate limits much better.
- Server performance enhancements.
- Improved infrastructure to handle the massive amount of data from Shopify.
- Analytics Page View and Install Button Clicks now include all instances instead of just those from the apps individual page on the Shopify App Store.
- Complete list of features by plan now available on the Our Features page.
- Added variations to the MRR metric, you can now choose which metric to be shown. If you are interested in more variations to any metrics, please let us know.
- Added Annual Revenue metric.
- Fixed a visual issue where the dashboard charts were flashing on first load
- Improved the look and feel of bar charts.
- Added Feature Roadmap page to which enables you to request and vote on features. Link available in the navbar and footer.
- Shopify App Store Keyword Tracking charts are now displayed inline.
- Added new metric for Life Time Value (LTV).
- Trials: change how trials are calculated. Update metrics for active, cancelled and converted trials. Added data table below trial metrics to show users information.
- Change the way we calculate subscriptions. We now don't wait until a transaction, the subscription is started when we get the event.
- Add new metrics for user and revenue churn.
- Added supporting text for Uninstall Reasons on the Uninstall page.
- Updated supporting text on Active Subscription page to include information about closed stores.
- Completely change the way we handle activity. With this change we have added transactions and vastly imported performance to activity.
- Added supporting documentation inline for Metrics pages.
- Resolved some display issues of tables on Google Analytics settings page on for desktop displays.
- Updated onboarding progress page to show what step of the way data import is.
- Added Activity page link to navbar for greater exposure of the feature.
- Slight refresh of Activity panel on Dashboard.
- Slight update to Activity page to prevent table overflowing on desktop displays.
- Uninstall reasons are now translated when grouping them on the uninstall page
- Added legend to keyword tracking page to clearly show what everything means.
- Updated activity page to include stores domain and display long uninstall messages better.
- Updated uninstall reasons making the chart clearer and easier to understand. The data now respects the date range on the chart correctly.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the uninstall reason would not come through to slack / email.
- Add new metric to show Installs vs Uninstalls
- Added Slack and email notifications. Configured at the notifications settings page.
- Added ability to track Shopify App Store search result rankings of individual apps for specific keywords. Start tracking now from the Keywords Tracking page.
- Customers no longer display as active on individual customer pages when store is closed.
- Added notification email should your Shopify API key become invalid. This will minimise period where data is not being imported.
- Improved in-app messaging should your Shopify API key become invalid.
- Updated icon used for positive financial events for customer activity timelines.
- Added the ability to manually add missing apps.
- Misc fixes with email notifications not being sent
- Launched new analytics features!
- Added changelog
- Optimise background process to be more efficient.
- Added ability to change the date and time formats.
- Update to use the latest stable version of Shopify's API - 2024-01
- Improved onboarding experience after registration
- Added ability to search and filter recent app activities.
- Fixed MRR projections showing +100% when no value was present.
- Added the ability to deactivate your account after the trial has completed.
- Fix again for percent difference rendering - this time for negative numbers!
- Fix percent difference rendering for charts
- Improve the Shopify import processes
- Added acquisition funnel tracking
- Public launch