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Detailed Metrics
Amazing Analytics
Data Explorer
Discover our visually captivating report charts, transforming historical trends into a clear and
beautiful narrative. Easily explore months and years of data for informed decision-making and
business success.
Access powerful metrics to uncover opportunities, pinpoint pain points, and gain deeper insights
into your customers' journey, enabling informed decision-making for business growth.
Providing Shopify partners with comprehensive analytics, offering data on page views,
installs, top referrers, category ranking, app history, keyword tracking and competitor analysis
for strategic optimization in the Partner App Store.
Keep a close eye on how your apps are ranking for specific keywords. Even better,
track how your competitors are ranking. Stay ahead of the competition with our keyword monitoring.
Leverage our reports to forecast future trends from rich historical data. Unlock insights, plan
strategically, and stay ahead with confidence. Data-driven forecasting for your business success.
Discover the power of our versatile Data Explorer to generate your own reports
effortlessly. Create detailed reports based on plan, installation date, customer reviews,
and much more. Take control of your data and tailor it to fit your business needs. Easily
save or download your custom reports.

Level up your app ranking and
track your competitors
with SaaS Insights
If this is your app, you can see how the app listing changes affects your ranking, views and installs. Analyse historical trends and identify the best leavers to grow your app.
Is BoxKnight Delivery your competitor? Do you want to track their app listing and ranking? Using SaaS Insights you can analyse their tactics to generate ideas to increase your traffic and installs.