Buttonizer: Buttons & Widgets
By Buttonizer
5 (1)
Free plan available. Free trial available.
Choose from over 40 click-actions and chat buttons, such as WhatsApp Chat, Phone Calls, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, URLs, Social Sharing and much more!
App Ranking
Rank: 51 / 124
Last seen
Build customer confidence with visual icons that draw attention to your products, social links, and major selling points.
Rank: 94 / 188
Last seen
Build customer confidence with visual icons that draw attention to your products, social links, and major selling points.
Rank: 94 / 188
Last seen
Build customer confidence with visual icons that draw attention to your products, social links, and major selling points.
Rank: 94 / 188
Last seen
Build customer confidence with visual icons that draw attention to your products, social links, and major selling points.
Rank: 94 / 188
Last seen
Bring your store to life with everything from animation and sound to helpful badges and icons.
Rank: 185 / 445
Last seen
Bring your store to life with everything from animation and sound to helpful badges and icons.
Rank: 185 / 445
Last seen
Sometimes words aren't enough. Bring your store to life with audio, video, and other visual tools.
Rank: 234 / 500
Last seen
These apps are free to test in development stores. Regular charges will apply once the store is switched over to a paid plan.
Rank: 302 / 483
Last seen
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