Shopify App Store Insights for

Inline ‑ Critical CSS

Inline ‑ Critical CSS

Inline ‑ Critical CSS

By Speed Boostr

4.3 (9)

$10 one-time charge

Speed up your online store by generating critical CSS.

App Ranking

  • Category

    SEO apps

    Optimize your store and boost traffic from search. Add alt text to images, fix broken links, and create meta tags.

    Rank: 143 / 335

    Last seen

  • Category

    SEO apps

    Optimize your store and boost traffic from search. Add alt text to images, fix broken links, and create meta tags.

    Rank: 143 / 335

    Last seen

  • Category

    SEO apps

    Optimize your store and boost traffic from search. Add alt text to images, fix broken links, and create meta tags.

    Rank: 143 / 335

    Last seen

  • Category

    SEO apps

    Optimize your store and boost traffic from search. Add alt text to images, fix broken links, and create meta tags.

    Rank: 143 / 335

    Last seen

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