Shopify App Store Insights for

Perksy Memberships

Perksy Memberships

Perksy Memberships

By Shine Dezign Infonet

3.7 (7)

Free plan available

Provides members with special perks like delivery discount, welcome gifts, and savings on products and collections. Member portals and widgets for product pages

App Ranking

  • Category

    Loyalty and reward apps

    Keep members coming back for more with loyalty programs that give out exclusive points and perks.

    Rank: 109 / 210

    Last seen

  • Category

    Loyalty and reward apps

    Keep members coming back for more with loyalty programs that give out exclusive points and perks.

    Rank: 109 / 210

    Last seen

  • Category

    Customer loyalty apps

    Build deeper, longer-term relationships with customers with rewards, registries, and shared values.

    Rank: 173 / 381

    Last seen

  • Category

    Customer loyalty apps

    Build deeper, longer-term relationships with customers with rewards, registries, and shared values.

    Rank: 173 / 381

    Last seen

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