Hextom: Email Collection Bar
By Hextom
4.8 (528)
Free plan available
Email Collection Bar captures emails from website visitors, converts them into email subscribers, and auto sync contacts with MailChimp, Klaviyo, etc
App Ranking
Give visitors well-timed alerts they can't miss, whether it's right when they arrive or are about to head out.
Rank: 99 / 327
Last seen
Give visitors well-timed alerts they can't miss, whether it's right when they arrive or are about to head out.
Rank: 99 / 327
Last seen
Give visitors well-timed alerts they can't miss, whether it's right when they arrive or are about to head out.
Rank: 99 / 327
Last seen
Grab people's attention and let them know about special offers, announcements, and other opportunities.
Rank: 131 / 495
Last seen
Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.
Rank: 159 / 548
Last seen
Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.
Rank: 159 / 548
Last seen
Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.
Rank: 159 / 548
Last seen
Rank: 2 / 19
Last seen
Works with Online Store 2.0 themes
Add apps built to integrate seamlessly with Online Store 2.0 through app blocks and app embeds
Rank: 115 / 154
Last seen
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