ヤマト運輸 最短お届け予定日自動表示
By ヤマト運輸株式会社
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Price: Free
ヤマト運輸 最短お届け予定日自動表示は、ヤマト運輸での配送において、ユーザーの商品購入時に「いつまでに商品が届くのか?」最短配送日を表示できるようにし、配送に関する透明性と確実性を担保できるようになります。
App Ranking
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
Give customers more control, from how they pay to how they get their hands on your products.
Rank: 148 / 353
Last seen
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