Shopify App Store Insights for

Lury: Make an Offer

Lury: Make an Offer

Lury: Make an Offer

By Lury

4.3 (8)

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

invite customers to make their offer and create a personalized discount offer. Increase orders, get the leads, the customer's price, repeat customers and more!

App Ranking

  • Category

    Pricing quote apps

    Invite customers to request a quote. Once you agree on a price, convert it into an order instantly.

    Rank: 52 / 77

    Last seen

  • Category

    Pricing quote apps

    Invite customers to request a quote. Once you agree on a price, convert it into an order instantly.

    Rank: 52 / 77

    Last seen

  • Category

    Pricing apps

    Land on a price for your products that makes both you and your customers happy.

    Rank: 117 / 217

    Last seen

  • Category

    Discount apps

    Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.

    Rank: 263 / 558

    Last seen

  • Category

    Discount apps

    Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.

    Rank: 263 / 558

    Last seen

  • Category

    Discount apps

    Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.

    Rank: 263 / 558

    Last seen

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