Shopify App Store Insights for

RTO Shield‑ Reduce fake orders

RTO Shield‑ Reduce fake orders

RTO Shield‑ Reduce fake orders


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Price: Free

Reduce fake orders from high rto pincodes using RTO Shield app which removes COD option from list of payment methods on shopify native checkout

App Ranking

  • Category

    Fraud apps

    Fight back with ways to monitor risky orders and reduce chargebacks.

    Rank: 45 / 79

    Last seen

  • Category

    Fraud apps

    Fight back with ways to monitor risky orders and reduce chargebacks.

    Rank: 45 / 79

    Last seen

  • Collection

    Apps for customizing and extending Shopify

    Easily create everything from custom volume discounts to unique delivery and validation rules.

    Rank: 491 / 664

    Last seen

  • Collection

    Apps for customizing checkout

    Enhance your checkout with added features—from product upsells to rewards for your most loyal customers.

    Rank: 534 / 719

    Last seen

  • Collection

    Apps for customizing checkout

    Enhance your checkout with added features—from product upsells to rewards for your most loyal customers.

    Rank: 534 / 719

    Last seen

  • Collection

    Apps for extending your checkout

    Build a unique checkout for your business.

    Rank: 1225 / 1677

    Last seen

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